Biology Program, Faculty of Science
University of the Ryukyus
Algal Functional Morphology

Publications (peer-reviewed)
Nawaly H, Tanaka A, Toyoshima Y, Tsuji Y and Matsuda Y. (2023) Localization and characterization θ carbonic anhydrases in Thalassiosira pseudonana
Yamasaki H, Imai H, Tanaka A, and Otaki JM. (2023) Pleiotropic Functions of Nitric Oxide Produced by Ascorbate for the Prevention and Mitigation of COVID-19: A Revaluation of Pauling’s Vitamin C Therapy. Microorganisms, 11: 397.
Awanthi MGG, Umosa M, Yuguchi Y, Oku H, Kitahara K, Ito M, Tanaka A, Konishi T (2023) Fractionation and characterization of cell wall polysaccharides from the brown alga Cladosiphon okamuranus. Carbohydrate Research, 523 (2023) 108722.
Sato Y, Inomata E, Nagoe H, Ito M, Konishi T, Fujimura H, Tanaka A, Nishihara GN (2022) Nutrient uptake characteristics of Cladosiphon okamuranus (Phaeophyceae) from the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. Journal of Applied Phycology, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-022-02881-1.
Sato Y†, Nishihara GN†, Tanaka A†, Belleza DFC†, Kawate A, Inoue Y, Hinode K, Matsuda Y, Tanimae S, Tozaki K, Terada R and Endo H. (2022) Variability in the net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of seaweed farms. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI: 10.3389fmars.2022.861932 (†shared first author)
Sato Y, Nagoe H, Ito M, Konishi T, Fujimura H, Nishihara GN, Tanaka A. (2021) Final yield of the brown alga Cladosiphon okamuranus (Chordariaceae, Phaeophyceae) may depend on nursery quality. Phycological Research
Hoshino M, Tanaka A, Uwai S, Kamiya M, Hiraoka M and Kogame K. (2020) Systematics, distribution, and sexual compatibility of six scytosiphon species (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyceae) from Japan and the description of four new species. Journal of Phycology
Caputi L. et al. (2019) Community‐Level Responses to Iron Availability in Open Ocean Plankton Ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycle 33: 391-419.
Nagasato C, Tanaka A, Ito T, Katsaros C and Motomura T (2017) Intercellular translocation of molecules via plasmodesmata in the multiseriate filamentous brown alga, Halopteris congesta (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyceae). Journal of Phycology 53: 333-341.
Tanaka A, Hoshino Y, Nagasato C and Motomura T (2016) Branch regeneration induced by sever damage in the brown alga Dictyota dichotoma (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae). Protoplasma 254:1341–1351.
Kinoshita N, Nagasato C, Tanaka A and Motomura T. (2016) Chemotaxis in the anisogamous brown alga Mutimo cylindricus. Phycologia 55: 359-364.
Tanaka A, De Martino A, Amato A, Montsant A, Mathieu B, Rostaing P, Tirichine L and Bowler C. (2015) Ultrastructure and Membrane Traffic During Cell Division in the Marine Pennate Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Protist 166: 506-521.
Bailleul B, Berne N, Murik O, Petroutsos D, Prihoda J, Tanaka A, Villanova V, Bligny R, Flori S, Falconet D, Krieger-Liskay A, Santabarbara S, Rappaport F, Joliot P, Tirichine L, Falkowski P, Cardol P, Bowler C and Finazzi G. (2015) Energetic coupling between plastids and mitochondria drives CO2 assimilation in diatoms. Nature 524: 366-369.
Nagasato C, Terauchi M, Tanaka A and Motomura T (2015) Development and function of plasmodesmata in zygotes of Fucus distichus. Botanica Marina 58: 229-238.
Villar E, Farrant G, Follows M, Garczarek L, Speich S, Audic S, Bittner L, Blanke B, Brum JR, Brune C, Casotti R, Chase A, Dolan JR, d'Ortenzio F, Gattuso JP, Grima N, Guidi L, Hill CN, Jahn O, Jamet JL, Le Goff H, Lepoivre C, Malviya S, Pelletier E, Romagnan JB, Roux S, Santini S, Scalco E, Schwenck SM, Tanaka A, Testor P, Vannier T, Vincent F, Zingone A, Dimier C, Picheral M, Searson S, Kandels-Lewis S, Tara Oceans coordinators, Acinas SG, Bork P, Boss E, de Vargas C, Gorsky G, Ogata H, Pesant S, Sullivan MB, Sunagawa S, Wincker P, Karsenti E, Bowler C, Not F, Hingamp P and Iudicone D. (2015). Environmental characteristics of Agulhas rings affect inter-ocean plankton transport. Science 348(6237) 1261447.
Huysman MJJ, Tanaka A, Bowler C, Vyverman W and De Veylder L. (2015). Functional characterization of the diatom cyclin-dependent kinase A2 as a mitotic regulator reveals plant-like properties in a non-green lineage. BMC Plant Biology 15:86
Morrissey J, Sutak R, Paz-Yepes J, Tanaka A, Moustafa A, Veluchamy A, Thomas Y, Botebol H, Bouget FY,McQuaid JB, Tirichine L, Allen AE, Lesuisse E and Bowler C. (2014) A novel protein, ubiquitous in marine phytoplankton, concentrates iron at the cell surface and facilitates uptake. Current Biology 25: 364-371.
Nakajima K, Tanaka A, and Matsuda Y. (2013) SLC4 family transporters in a dmarine diatom directly pump bicarbonate from seawater. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America110: 1767-1772.
Prihoda J, Tanaka A, de Paula WBM, Allen JF, Tirichine L and Bowler C. (2012) Chloroplast-mitochondria cross-talk in diatoms. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 1543-1557.
Karsenti, E. et al. (2011) A holistic approach to marine eco-systems biology. Plos Biology. Oct; 9 (10): e1001177.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001177.
Tanaka A, Uwai S, Nelson W and Kawai H. (2010) Phaeophysema gen. nov. and Vimineoleathesia gen. nov., new brown algal genera for the Japanese minute members of the genus Leathesia. European Journal of Phycology45(1): 109-117.
Tanaka A, Nagasato C, Uwai S, Motomura T and Kawai H. (2007) Re-examination of ultrastructure of the stellate chloroplast organization in brown algae: Structure and development of pyrenoid. Phycological Research 55: 203-213.
Horinouchi Y, Dozono A, Tanaka A and Togashi T. (2019) Asexual reproduction of the marine green alga Struvea okamurae. Marine Biosystems Research. 33:2-7.
田中厚子.(2019) 藻類最前線「水圏の光合成を支える動的で柔らかいピレノイド」.藻類.67:5-9
中村崇,James Davis Reimer,新城竜一,中村衛,田中厚子,Hi Boo Wee.テーマセッション報告「琉球大学高度統合型熱帯海洋科学技術イノベーション創出 研究拠点形成事業(ORCHIDS)プロジェクトにおける 海洋科学研究の取組み」.日本サンゴ礁学会誌.21:1-12.
田中厚子.(2015) バイオ系のキャリアデザイン「たゆたえど沈まず」.生物工学会誌.93巻第4号
田中厚子.(2014) 大会参加記「第6回国際シオミドロ会議を振り返って」.藻類.62巻第3号
田中厚子.(2003) 大会参加記「2002年度藻類談話会に参加して」. 藻類.51巻第1号